# Installation

Vuepress npm License

Succinct (opens new window) uses prefers-color-scheme (opens new window) media query and CSS variables (opens new window) to generate dark and light themes.

# Get Started

Add the dependency to your existing Vuepress project via Yarn or NPM.

    yarn add -D vuepress-theme-succinct
    npm install -D vuepress-theme-succinct
    // Make sure to add code blocks to your code group


    Refer to Getting Started Guide (opens new window) to create a Vuepress project.

    Update .vuepress/config.js as follows.


    // .vuepress > config.js
    module.exports = {
      theme: 'vuepress-theme-succinct',
      globalUIComponents: [

    ThemeManager provides theme-switching functionality across the app.

    Note that you can also use the shorthand name for the theme.


    // .vuepress > config.js
    module.exports = {
      theme: 'succinct',
      globalUIComponents: [
    Last Updated: 10/10/2020, 7:05:00 AM